Campaigns are supposed to have clear, simple messages that they communicate to voters. It's the <blank>, stupid.
But not Schwarzenegger.
While most of California is still thinking about Katrina, Schwarzenegger is kicking off his special election drive with staged media events. Of course, he's so afraid of the nurses, firefighters, and teachers dogging him that most media aren't given any advance warning of the events, so that limits their effectiveness. Oh, and rumor has it that Friday he's going to kick off his re-election drive...even though he denies that the special election is a referendum on him. Why Friday? So that he can do it before this weekend's Republican convention, because while he wants the Republicans to be energized, he apparently doesn't want to announce his re-election in front of them because it would give the wrong message.
What? What's the message again here, Mr Schwarzenegger? Other than the fact that your message shop is still screwing it all up?
Anyway lots of good stories covering this melo- drama. Robert Salladay in the LA Times went to the Governor's speech and so did Kate Folmar from the Mercury News and John Maurelius in the San Diego Union-Tribune.